SMART asset integrity solutions

In het kort

Industry & Manufacturing
Procesautomatisering, webapplicatie, mobiele applicatie

SMART Asset Integrity Solutions (SMART AIS) inspects the integrity of components in its customers' complex industrial processes. To support its growth, the company knew it needed a digital replacement for paper inspection processes.

Four months later, two Quatronic consultants created a web app and a mobile app to accelerate the entire asset registration and inspection process. Now, SMART AIS has an integrated asset management solution and the speed and efficiency needed to drive business growth and deliver more value to its customers.


SMART Asset Integrity Solutions (SMART AIS) helps its customers around the world ensure that their critical production, distribution and manufacturing processes run as efficiently and safely as possible. To do this, the company offers numerous services to monitor, assess and report on the integrity of complex industrial systems. These inspection reports help its customers comply with essential safety legislation and make informed decisions about maintenance and possible replacement of these assets.

The challenge

The inspection process involved many manual, non-digital steps that led to long lead times when registering an asset, preparing, executing and reviewing an inspection.

Until recently, SMART AIS carried out complex inspection planning, assessment and reporting using multiple Excel files and paper drawings. It was a time-consuming process that made it difficult for the company to scale up to meet the growing demand for independent inspection services.

To keep up with this demand and stay ahead of the competition, SMART AIS decided to innovate and digitize their processes.

Through real-time insight, we can take preventive measures, so that our customers' assets remain productive and safe.

Our approach

To gain a thorough understanding of the inspection process and the challenges, a Design Sprint has started. A Design Sprint translates ideas into wireframes and a suggested solution direction. In two days, we worked together on an interactive prototype that served as the basis for developing the solution.

With the help of the OutSystems platform took two Quatronic consultants just 8 weeks to develop the minimum viable product (MVP) for the apps. A pilot then started and so the MVP immediately added value to the organization. Then another 8 weeks to roll out the complete solutions. Quatronic's automated test framework ensured flawless go-live for both the web and mobile applications.

The result

The result saves 60% time and ensures that SMART AIS achieves a higher quality of inspection and support for its customers.

With this solution, SMART AIS employees have a web-based application to register and maintain all information related to their customers' assets and an offline tablet application to carry out inspections.

Mockup van de tablet app gemaakt voor SMART

With these new apps, SMART AIS can work much more efficiently. Staff no longer have to spend time finding the latest version of documentation, manually preparing inspections, and generating reports. “We've reduced inspection turnaround times by around 40%,” says Martin. “We've digitized the process. Now everyone has access to the same pre-registered information and we can compile inspection reports immediately when the tablet app data is synchronized with the back office.”

Freed from the time constraints of old manual processes, SMART AIS employees can focus on adding value for their customers. With real-time insight, the company's customers no longer have to wait for reports to decide what measures to take to ensure the integrity of their assets.

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