Quatronic's formula for success consists of three elements: an optimized process, the best technology and, of course, a team of professionals. Because without our ambitious, thoughtful and critical consultants, we are nowhere. In this blog, Auke Akkerman, our senior business technology consultant, talks about the initiatives that Quatronic is developing in the field of people development and how these initiatives contribute to the success of our company, our customers and, of course, our employees.
Striving for all-round professionals
In a previous blog Richard already emphasized that at Quatronic, we are not just consultants, but a club of passionate, driven and enthusiastic Business Technology Consultants. We find it very important that our professionals who not only excel in developing applications, but also excel in project management and general consultancy skills. We want consultants who are ambitious, committed and who are strong enough to challenge our customers. Consultants who dare to challenge a client, because this is the only way to discover what the real challenge is. That is why we attach great importance to both professional and personal development. When I joined Quatronic at the beginning of 2021, this topic was high on the agenda. How can we make a structured contribution to the development of our consultants? Thanks to a good traineeship with a previous employer, I had some ideas about that. I then started setting up a well thought-out training program.
Year One: Basic Skills
There is now a nice, two-year training program. In the first year, we focus on basic skills in software development and consultancy. Here, we focus on building safe, correct and attractive applications — quickly — and on essential consultancy skills such as presentation techniques and effective communication with stakeholders. We partly organize these training courses ourselves and partly we work with an external party.
Year two: floor
It's only when you work as a business consultant for a year that you really understand certain concepts. Then it's time for in-depth training. The second year of the training program includes both Advanced Development Skills, where we offer topics to become an even more skilled and self-managed developer, and advanced talent and personal development skills. For the second year, we mainly work with external parties. For example, we have A Focus on Sharp enabled for personal development training. Last year, we guided the first group through this. This included, for example, a real ice bath experience. If you know what an ice bath like that does to you, you can draw a parallel with how you can translate your feelings into constructive feedback. After all, we believe in the importance of constructive feedback, and that means not simply doing what the customer asks, but also daring to oppose when we think it will help the customer move forward. For example, there are also training courses in having effective conversations and we offer specific Scrum training courses that are more focused on project management.
Dynamic process
Such a training program is a dynamic process. Just as we want to continuously develop our employees and our organization, we are also always looking for ways to improve the training program. We're constantly looking at how we can make it even better and how we can adapt it to the changing needs of our people and our business.
Are you curious about what our ambitious, thoughtful and critical consultants can do for your company? Or do you want to be ready to become such an all-round professional yourself. Please contact Wouter van der Meij via mail or give him a call 06 1340 7347. We'd love to talk to you to find out how we can help improve your business.
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